You’ll be well prepared for anything as you hit the trails this Fall with great outdoor gear from Subaru.
1.MyMedic Hiker Medic Pack
Ensure the MyMedic Hiker Medic Pack is on your list as you gather the gear for your next journey! Have peace of mind knowing you have this first-aid kit on hand in the event of any hiking injuries.
2.20 oz. Outdoor Kanteen
You’ll enjoy a refreshing swig of water during your hikes! Fill this 20oz Outdoor Kanteen before heading out the door as it stays cold for hours.
Feel how amazing it is to drink from bottle that lessens single-use waste. Kleen Kanteen® is an environmental steward that practices fair labor.
3.Wild Tribute Hatchback Hoodie
• Any trip is not complete without the proper attire! Pack this Wild Tribute Hatchback Hoodie to stay comfortable while kicking back by the campfire after a long hike.
You won’t believe how incredibly comfortable this hoodie is and you’ll love knowing that 4% of your purchase will go to protecting National Parks & public lands.
4.The North Face® Backpack
Whether a day hike or overnight adventure, take essentials with you in this spacious The North Face® Backpack. Even if there is a bit of a drizzle, you’ll keep everything dry with its water-repellent finish.
Part of your purchase will go toward the Explore Fund from the North Face. This program aims to drive equity in the outdoors in support of enabling exploration.
5.Basecamp® Fire Starter Tool
This Basecamp® Fire Starter Tool is an absolute necessity when heading out on any wilderness trek. Carry it in your pocket or in your bag. You can open bottles or cans, cut wood, cut wire, start a fire and more!
The purchase of this multi-tool does more than just versatile use. A portion of the proceeds goes to the Warrior Spirit Retreat, a place where veterans can learn to heal.